
Animate a User Interaction from your App.

The animation should show a reaction to a user’s input (touch, voice, movement, gps, etc) to your UI (user interface).

Use Photoshop’s Video Timeline to create a short animation (3 seconds minimum)

Use the screens you designed in Project 6 and create a layered file that will allow for your

You may need to resize and crop your previous file to create the animation.
You may want to create a symbol (transparent circle, etc.) to represent the user’s touch.


A great site with UI animations and examples

Google’s is a site with great information on the theory of designing user interfaces. Material is a language you can use to code apps/sites that has specific rules and features that rely on animation.
The Guidelines, lots of inspiration and theory here –
Icons – collection of SVG and PNG icons you might want to use –

VUI – Voice User Interface
Think of ways your app could respond to voice commands and input!
Here’s a video from Google on a theory/best practices for designing voice command relationships or ‘Communication’
Great short artlcle with some guidelines for VUI