Create a new After Effects Composition.
You might want to make this composition a bit smaller so that your computer won’t be overloaded with processing the 3D layer.
Try something like 1280 x 720 pixels at 24 fps and 2 seconds long.
Add a Solid Background, lock the layer.
Type some text, center it on the canvas.
Click the 3D icon on the layer.
Go to Renderer and choose CINEMA 4D.
This will give you new options – GEOMETRY & MATERIAL in your layer.
Add an increase in Extrusion Depth.
You might not be able to see your Object’s Extrusions yet, because we need to add a light.
Adding Lights
Make a New Light Layer to see your effects!
Layer > New > Light.
Parallel – light has no beginning or end, goes in one direction forever.
Spot – shines a spot on an area, like on a stage.
Point – like an exposed light bulb
Ambient – lights the overall scene.
You can change the color of the light.
Cast shadows – you can make the shadows dark, and diffuse the light.
Falloff – Smooth tends to render faster, clamped is suppose to be more realistic (mess with this)
Once you make the light layer you can click the light icon to change the settings of the light.
Adjust the 3d Object
Add a Bevel Style and Adjust the Bevel Depth – Experiment!
To add a change in color to the extruded sides.
Go to the TEXT layer click on ANIMATE> SIDE> COLOR > BRIGHTNESS.
Adjust the Bakcground
Make sure to move it far away from your object.
Play with the light settings and position.
Advanced Idea
Bring in an object from Illustartor, convert it to shape and follow the steps above!