Use the same FRAME ANIMATION method you learned in the previous Candle lesson.
Create an animation of a flame/fire/smoke.
The animation should have at least 10 frames.

Use ONE of the images below or find your own.



Open Photoshop

New File > WEB > 1024 x 768 > UNCHECK Artboards

Use the Brush Tool to draw a flame. Name this layer – Flame 1.
Add another empty layer and draw a slightly different flame.
Continue this process until you have 10 flame layers. Name them all.
Now go to Window> Timeline.
Carefully in Window Timeline, choose Create Frame Animation
Carefully, use the Eyes on each layer to choose your first flame layer for the first FRAME.
Add another Frame by pressing the PLUS Button and repeat the process.
Be careful because the FRAMES are now connected to the layers.
When you are done, change the TIME setting underneath the FRAME to .2 seconds or .5 seconds, experiment!

Save as a PSD for your records

When you are done File > Export > Save for Web Legacy
Preset: Gif, 64 Dithered

Save as YOURNAME_Fire_Animation.gif