Distance learning has causes some challenges since not all students have access to the same computers & operating systems & application subscriptions.

The following list of programs work solely on the browser and can be a good option for students who are on Chromebooks or computers with administrative protections that do not allow downloading.

Photoshop & Illustrator alternates:
Photopea https://www.photopea.com/
Vectr https://vectr.com/

2D Animation After Effects alternate:
Animation animatron.com

Drawing & Design:
Storyboard That www.storyboardthat.com
Banner Snack https://app.bannersnack.com/
Spirit (requires donwload not fully web-based) https://spiritapp.io/download/mac
Sketchpad https://sketch.io/

3D modeling :
Sketchup https://app.sketchup.com/app

3D Modeling and Animation:
Clara https://clara.io

Video Game Making:
PlayCanvas playcanvas.com
Arcade Make Code https://arcade.makecode.com/
Phaser https://phaser.io/
Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/

Music Making :
DRUMBIT https://drumbit.app/
VIRTUAL DRUMMER https://www.virtualdrumming.com/drums
EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC MACHINE https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/drum-machine/view/
AUDIO TOOL https://www.audiotool.com/
A list with more options